The Document Wallet allows clubs to upload club documents to their respective league directly. This includes your Club Insurance Certificate and Registration Document for example. Uploading these documents through the Document Wallet feature will allow your league to access and maintain this required information with ease and efficiency.
You can access Document Wallet in one of two ways. After completing a registration with your league online, the confirmation page will a include a blue button, titled “Add Documents to this application” Alternatively, you can log into your member account via Simply click on Log In in the top right hand corner. Then choose Member Login.
In your account, you can access all data associated with team registrations, such as receipts, communication preferences etc. On both the menu on the left-hand side, and the tab above registrations, simply select Document Wallet to access the upload menu for this feature.
The next page will allow you to submit member related documents for an individual registration. To upload documents directly to the league for your club, tick the box on the left-hand side, titled Click to submit directly to Club or League
You will be able to view, download or delete documents you’ve previously uploaded. To upload a new document, first select the Club you are uploading this document for. The League you are registered with will appear in the drop-down menu options on the left. Once this is selected the club, then choose the document type. This will be either an Insurance Certificate or a Club Registration Document. After selecting the document type, browse for the relevant file on your computer, before clicking the green Save and Upload Document button. A pop-up warning will appear, stating “You are going to add documents for Club “Name”. If you’re happy you are uploading the correct file, then click OK
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